World Water Day – 2019


Water is the life-force of our planet and every drop should be appreciated and conserved accordingly. Thankfully, there is a growing global awareness of the importance of sustainable water usage. The 22nd of March is World Water Day – which is an international,  annual UN observance day that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

In celebration of World Water Day, GardenShop would like to share the following tips on how best to save water in your garden.

  1. Look after your soil. Use organic material like compost to act as a saturate. Mix potting soil with Coco Peat and mulch your flower beds to prevent moisture loss.
  2. Water your garden at the right time. In summer it is best to water late afternoon and early evening. In winter it is best to water mid-morning.
  3. Use the right amount of water. It is better to water deeply, less frequently than frequent shallow watering.
  4. Use plants that need less water in your bigger beds and plant plants that need more water in pots.
  5. Group plants with the same water requirements together.
  6. Collect rain water and make sure you do not have any leaks in your irrigation system or outdoor taps.
  7. Use hard landscaping like pavers and pebbles to reduce planted areas.


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