

What to do in your garden in September.

Spring is here at last!

Gardening begins in earnest this month. It is quite the most exciting time in the garden. Stark are branches are magically transformed into a froth of blossoms and millions of tiny green shoots burst forth, the intoxicating scents from the Jasmine creeper and the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow shrub fill the air.


  • Pinch back plants like Fuchsia and Daisy bushes to encourage more flowers and need to be well fed.
  • Prune back spring flowering shrubs only when they have finished flowering.
  • Feed Roses with Ludwig’s Vigorosa or Wonder Vitaliser Rose & Flower 8:1:5 (17) SR.
  • Remove old spent winter flowering annuals and replace with summer annuals such as Alyssum, Bellis perennis, Dianthus, Iberis, Calendulas, Petunias and Stocks.
  • Plant waterwise perennials in your garden like Guara’s, Geraniums, Bearded Iris, Iberis and Statice.
  • Clivia’s are in flower, brighten up your garden with these indigenous beauties.
  • As soon as Camellia come to the end of their flowering season, they require fertilising,


  • Feed and boost your lawn with Wonder Vitaliser Lawn and Leaf fertiliser or an organic alternative like Atlantic’s Bio Ganic for Lawns OR Talborne’s Vita Green 5:1:5 (16) and water well.
  • Fix bare patches in the lawn with lawn dressing. One bag of lawn dressing will cover covers 4m2.
  • You are still able to plant a new lawn.
  • Increase watering on lawns.
  • Preferably water lawns in the morning.

Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit

  • Sow vegetable and herb seeds of Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Marrow, Carrots, Peppers, Chillies, Swiss chard, Peas, Beans, Basil, Radishes, Gem squash, Cabbages and Brinda’s.
  • Plant vegetable and herb seedlings like Mint, Spinach, Curled Parsley, Coriander, Red Onions, Red Cabbage, Chives, Brussel Sprouts, Lettuce varieties and Flat Leaved Parsley.
  • Feed Strawberry plants with fertiliser like Wonder Rose & Flower 8:1:5 (17) SR or an organic alternative like Tallborne’s Vita Veg & Herb Fertiliser 6:3:4 (16)
  • An ideal time to plant fruit tree like Peaches, Apricots, Figs, Almonds, Nectarines, Pomegranates and Citrus varieties,
  • Start spraying fruit treesagainst fruit fly and codling moth once about 75% of the blossoms have dropped off. Spray every 10–14 days.

General Tasks

  • Protect young shoots from attack from slugs and snails by placing sand or crushed egg shells around the plants you wish to protect.
  • Prune and shape any frost-damaged plants.
  • Remove old leaves and feed Bearded Irises, Cannas, Arum Lilies and Day Lilies.
  • Divide overcrowded Water Lilies and replant in rich soil.
  • Continue mulch soils with essential organic matter.
  • Clean bird feeders and baths.
  • Start a compost pile or use a compost bin.
  • This is also a good time to sharpen your garden tools, if needed, because you’re going to require them for plant maintenance and soil care.

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