Screen Away


Create instant privacy anywhere with evergreen plants.

Planted in small or large gardens or in containers on the balcony. For a more formal look shape and prune to suit your individual screening requirements. The general rule for pruning evergreen shrubs is in early spring, after the dormant winter period. This will allow plenty of time for new growth to emerge.

Here are some of our popular evergreen shrubs for creating instant screening for all year round privacy:


Also known as Syzigiums, these fast growing large shrubs provide dense covering. A height of 5 metres can easily be reached with a good spread of 2 metres. The red berries produced will attract many species of birds. Plant in sun to partial shade.

Photinia varieties

Hardy fast growing shrubs with magnificent foliage colouring throughout the year. The red foliage makes them a great focal point. It has dense covering with a height of 5 metres. It is a popular choice for screening for its hardiness and ease to shaping and pruning. Plant in sun to partial shade.

Pittosporum varieties

Pittosporums are widely used for screening and will survive well in South African gardens. They will generally grow to a height of 3 to 5 metres. Plant in sun to partial shade.

Viburnum varieties

Large leafy shrubs that make excellent medium to large hedges. A height of 5 metres can easily be reached with a good spread of 2 metres. Plant in sun to partial shade.

Enjoy your choice of shrub for easy green screening.

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