Renewed Vim and Vigour


With the expectation of renewed growth and spring making a welcomed appearance, your garden is crying out for some TLC to ensure an abundant harvest of the freshest, tastiest vegetables this season. It’s time to start getting those beds veggie growing ready!

The warm embrace of higher temperatures brought about by the change of season brings to the fore a feeling of a happy and healthy mind and body, a need to hit the veggie patch with renewed vim and vigour and a desire to create, grow and devour a bountiful harvest of the freshest most invigorating yummy vegetables!

It’s a simple process with these four easy steps.

  1. Remove existing old plants from the beds.
  2. Prepare the beds by turning the soil and adding organic compost and Talborne 6:3:4 for all the above ground vegetables. Select your favourite vegetable seeds from the Franchi Sementi range at your local GardenShop. Start germinating the seedlings in seedling trays, place them in a warm, sheltered spot, and keep these watered to avoid stressed seedlings.
  3. Have your crop rotation and companion planting plans ready and in place for ease of reference.
  4. Attend an organic vegetable growing course with Linda from Sought After Seedlings!

Visit any GardenShop for the full range of Franchi Sementi heirloom seeds.

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