

What to do in your garden in October.

Now that summer is here, our October gardening tips will help make sure your garden is in top shape. It is important to find time to relax outdoors and enjoy the rich offerings nature has to offer.


  • Prune late spring and early summer flowering shrubs immediately after flowering to promote new growth
  • Dead head Sweet Peas to increase their flowering season
  • Dead head Roses and fertilise regularly with Vigorosa or Wonder Vitaliser Rose and Flower 8.1.5 (17) SR fertiliser to encourage strong growth and healthy flowers
  • Plant summer bedding plants like Petunias, Salvias, New Guinea Impatiens, Bellis perennis and Marigolds


  • Continue to mow grass raising the height of cut in dry weather.
  • Continue to fertilise every four to six weeks with Talborne’s Vita Green 5:1:5 (16) or Atlantic’s Bio Ganic for Lawns
  • Water in dry spells provided there are no water restrictions

Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit

  • Continue to mow grass raising the height of cut in dry weather.
  • Continue to fertilise every four to six weeks with Talborne’s Vita Green 5:1:5 (16) or Atlantic’s Bio Ganic for Lawns
  • Water in dry spells provided there are no water restrictions

General Tasks

  • Prune hedges
  • Watch out for snails and cutworm.
  • Visit GardenShop for new pot and hanging basket plants
  • Check watering each day as the summer temperature begins to rise
  • Watch out for pest and disease in all areas and treat when necessary

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