Laissez faire Landscaping


Article Written By: Sue Both
GardenShop’s GardenGuru

It’s now December and we are all trying to slowly gear down from the pressures, activities and general happenings over the course of the past year.

Here are a few ways of taking the extreme work out of gardening – bearing in mind that gardening is all about planning.

  1. Use straight lines when you design your garden – it is far easier to maintain straight lines.
  2. Reduce your lawn surface – this means less mowing.
  3. Invest in an irrigation system.
  4. Include more hard landscaping in your garden.
  5. Border your flower beds – cobbles, terra-edge or any other lawn edging will do. This makes it easy to maintain lines and to mow edges.
  6. Use the no dig approach – do not cultivate your flower beds, instead use mulching or ground covers to cover open parts of the soil. Remove the odd weeds only where they shoot.
  7. Plant self-seeding annuals.
  8. Plant annuals and bulbs in containers instead of the open ground.
  9. Plant hard working plants – not plants that would need constant attention.
  10. Choose a variety in your plant selection – that way you will have something that looks good in your garden all year round.

By following these guidelines, you can reduce the workload in your garden dramatically and in so doing, you can spend more time relaxing with family and friends in your beautiful garden!

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