Keeping In-Shape with Gardening


Article Written By: Sue Both
GardenShop’s GardenGuru

It’s a brand new year, and many of us are getting back into gear and trying to shape up our lives in various ways. Though this is sometimes a challenge after the holidays, a solution is lying right in your backyard! Research has shown that gardening has many physical and mental health benefits. Here are a few of the brilliant benefits of gardening.

  • Gardening gives you a physical workout.
  • Gardening and spending time in nature leads to elevated cortisol levels which in return relieves stress and boosts self-esteem.
  • The physical activity of gardening improves heart health and reduces stroke risk.
  • Gardening improves hand strength and dexterity. It will keep those hand muscles energetic and agile well into old-age.
  • Gardening improves brain health and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease up to 36%.
  • Exposure to soil bacteria improves our general immune system making it easier for us to cope with infections.

So get out into your garden and start gardening as often as possible!
There are only benefits to this fulfilling pastime and it will assist you in getting and keeping your body and mind in shape throughout the year!

Gardening workout

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