International Trends in Organic Vegetable Gardening


Article by: Sought After Seedlings
Designer of the Bryanston Organic Food Garden
Supplier of Franchi Sementi Heirloom Seeds & Victory Ticket Organic Seedlings

We have been privileged to visit the UK, Netherlands and Italy in the recent past and are thrilled that South Africans are rapidly catching on to the essential trend of growing their own food organically. Castles, restaurants, business parks, factories, all have vegetable gardens.

By May and June in South Africa your winter vegetable gardens should all be planted up. Your kale, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, radicchio and the likes, need to be well established by now to produce fruit, but don’t despair if they don’t because you planted too late, make good use of the leaves of all your brassica plants. They are full of nutrients and can be stewed or added to soups and casseroles.

If you have a warm patio, closed in yard or can create a warm sheltered area, you can continue to plant seedlings. Victory Ticket seedlings are organically grown for you, available at your favourite Gardenshop.

Plus Lettuce and radish, basil, inside, on your window sill or garden shed, can be grown through winter using the Franchi Sementi winter range, along with exotic striped beetroot, kohlrabi, celeriac, broad beans and all kinds of yummy things.

It’s time to make your frost fleece tunnels now. You probably had bird netting over your seedlings, so you can simply drape your frost fleece over that, otherwise erect several hoops of bent PVC and attach frost fleece to them.

Placing cloches over seedlings make them feel snug and protected. If you don’t have any of the gorgeous glass ones, available at Gardenshop, make use of 2 litre plastic bottles with bottoms cut off and then inverted over the little plant.

Get out into the garden, there’s no excuse. You will feel great, spend time out doors, get some exercise and benefit from eating fresh organic food. Enjoy!

Sought After Seedlings

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