Happy Herbs


Herbs can make you happy in so many ways. All of them want sunshine, and some of them don’t even need much attention. If you have a garden (or not) a great idea is to have pots of happy herbs.

Upright Rosemary planted against a wall as a backdrop for a garden bed looks great as well as in a large pot, and can be used right through the year in your cooking, for making posies, and for drying. Trailing Rosemary looks really beautiful falling artfully over the sides of a container. A long living perennial plant.

Some herbs should grow in a pot all to themselves, like Mint. Mint likes a lot of water and can spread quite prolifically. They have an invasive root system and by keeping them in a pot and snipping off any roots that escape from the rim, you can control the plant and get many baby plants from it. However, do not let your Mint become pot bound, divide it each year and pot them up in fresh potting soil and compost mix. Roast lamb and mint sauce go hand in hand but so do strong Mojitos and a fresh dash garden mint!

Micro greening is easy with herb seeds too. You can keep a constant supply on your kitchen window sill right through the year. Get experimental and try as many herbs as you can find. Franchi Sementi seeds will never disappoint you. To make sure you don’t find your pots or garden beds with spaces of chopped out herbs, grow your herb seeds every 3-4 weeks to keep a steady supply.

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