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Create a tasty meal from the fruit and vegetables you have grown in your garden.

Tasty Pesto

Take advantage of your Basil crop. Traditionally stirred through cooked pasta with shavings of fresh parmesan cheese, try spreading pesto over chicken or salmon before roasting. The ingredients below will make about 100g of pesto


  • 30 grams of fresh Basil leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of pine nuts
  • 25g coarsely grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic, peeled
  • Half a lemon, the zest and juice


If you have a food processor, place all of the ingredients in the bowl and pulse until you have a chunky paste. Alternatively, snip the leaves with scissors as finely as you can, chop the pine nuts and crush the garlic then mix with the rest of the ingredients. It will be chunky but will taste just as good.

Stir through cooked pasta or risotto or serve with bread sticks and chunks of cucumber.

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