Gardens of the Golden City


15 & 16 OCTOBER



10am – 5pm

This lovely garden with the frontage designed to reflect the art deco style of the house with formal and topiarised beds leads on to a totally unsuspected area. The back section presents an awesome challenge which the owners have conquered magnificently and extends to the top of the Westcliff Ridge. Terraced initially, the path winds upwards with indigenous flora being well employed until eventually nearing the top where numerous grasses emerge under the shade of the controversial but historical grove of bluegums. To access some parts of the garden you should be prepared to climb stairs and make your way over uneven paths where a multitude of garden rooms and borrowed views can be experienced along the way.

Entrance R30 Children under 12 free

Contact – Lynne – 082 689 0930 or

GardenShop proudly supports BirdLife South Africa, one of the nominated charities by Gardens of the Golden City this season.


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