Fabulous Fragrances


Article Written By: Sue Both
GardenShop’s GardenGuru

These days, a lot of focus is placed on how a plant looks – and although there’s nothing wrong with this – unfortunately, plants bred for appearance tend to be lacking in another very important quality: smell.

Putting fragrant plants in your garden and around your house can be incredibly rewarding.

Get the maximum pleasure out of your scented plants by placing them in areas where you walk frequently, at door entrances, in front of bedroom windows or in your secret garden with your retrieving bench.

Here are just a few plants that can be planted for their beautiful scent:

  • Gardenia angustiofolia or Gardenia – not only does this plant have pretty rose-like white flowers but it also has a long lasting, strong, sweet scent.
  • Jasminium pylyanthum or Chinese Jasmine – this vigorous fast growing climber will be covered in white flowers during early spring.
  • David Austen Roses – These fine old English roses are available in several colours with tight cabbage-like flowers. They will flower all summer releasing their scents in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • Murrya exotica or Orange Jasmine – A dense glossy foliage with white orange scented blooms during summer. It is an excellent plant to use for topiary and hedging and will grow in both sun and shade.
  • Philadelphus coronaries or Mock Orange – an old fashioned deciduous shrub with masses of white blooms – an olfactory delight.


Multifeed flowergro


Get the most out of your scented blooms by feeding your plants regularly with a fertilizer high in potassium to encourage flower growth. A great product for this is Multifeed Flowergro, which is a concentrated soluble plant food, rich in Potassium. Dilute in water and pour around the roots of the plants once a month, to optimize your flower growth.

“To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.” ~Beverly Nichols~




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