Children’s Spring Day


GardenShop Bryanston is hosting a Spring Day Children’s Event on Saturday, 2 September. Home to the Cherry Tomatoes Gardening Club; GardenShop aims to inspire young ones through outdoor gardening play, offering educational and unique activities that will teach them to appreciate nature and grow their own healthy food in an interactive and stimulating way.

Parents can enjoy a stroll through the garden centre or grab a light meal at Munch Café while their little ones enjoy getting their hands dirty with the Cherry Tomatoes Gardening Club, who will be running the following activities from 9am to 3pm.

  1. Creating egg head herb gardens
  2. Making mini terrariums
  3. Planting basil/tomato/marigold seedlings in upcycled hanging tins

Cost per activity per child: R100 or R250 to complete all three (for children ages 3 and up).

Each activity will take about 30 minutes to complete and children can arrive any time between 9am and 3pm. Each child will also get to create their own healthy fruit and vegetable juice at the pop up ‘Juice Bar’ after completing an activity.

GardenShop Bryanston’s Spring Day Event promises to be educational and fun, aiming to excite young children about the wonderful world of gardening and healthy eating.

Heaps of edutainment for your little ones while parents can relax in our wonderful surrounds!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jason

    From 3 and up for all activities, or even one? I have 2 x 2-year olds. Can they participate?

    1. GardenShop

      Hi Jason, the activities may be a little challenging for tiny tots without the help of a parent. I’m sure they would be able to participate with your hands on assistance.

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