Summer Colour in Containers


Need a little cheering up at your front door, quick and easy-to-plant colour in pots are an instant winner! Gardening in pots or containers, is one of the easiest ways in which to achieve abundance of colour in a garden, on a balcony or patio. Summer is all about simplicity, bright fun colours and an abundance of flowering plants.

Plant up pots for glorious displays throughout the summer months, and position them to lighten up a patio, deck or balcony, and even dull spots in the garden. A burst of colour at the front door provides a warm welcome, while well positioned pots add a cheerful note to outdoor entertaining. The secret to great-looking containers is to keep them well stocked and abundant.

Gardening becomes more enjoyable and fun when you explore the many ways of using colour in pots. Choosing the colour of plants and pots is like painting the outdoors. Add dimension to your patio or terrace by grouping pots of different sizes. Think about the overall size of the area and try to choose pots that will be in balance with the overall space. For example, smaller pots will get lost in a large area; so use them in groups alongside a larger pot so that they will enhance the whole look.

For successful summer displays, choose plants that flower over a long period of time, respond well to deadheading and are tolerant of container cultivation. A wide range of suitable plants and pots are always available at GardenShop.


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