Quick Water Wise Planting Tips

  • When planning a new garden, check to see if the plants are drought tolerant and avoid any that require a lot of water.
  • Herbaceous plants can be drought-prone the first year but soon root deeper and are more tolerant in subsequent years.
  • Shrubs and trees may also be vulnerable in their early years, but rapidly become better at surviving drought.
  • Only water new plants and avoid watering established plants until they show signs of real stress.
  • If you must water, do this when it’s cooler – during early morning or evening – so as to reduce evaporation.
  • Use large containers for patio plants. They help reduce water use as they retain moisture better than small pots.
  • Group pots of plants together so as to reduce the rate at which water is lost and use a watering can rather than a hose.

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