Grow Your Own Edibles from your Patio


Consider growing your own edibles, not only will it benefit the environment but it will also save you money on your fresh produce bill! Look at these awesome varieties of vegetables and herbs that are so easy to grow in containers and maintain throughout spring and summer.


Tomatoes are probably one of the most commonly grown edible plants that people have on their balconies or patios. There are many smaller varieties that do well in pots. When selecting a tomato plant pick one that is shorter, with a thick stem, rather than a tall lanky one. Tomatoes are pretty easy-to-grow. Provide sun, regular watering, but do take care to keep their leaves dry.


Get a long container and grow a row of lettuce, window boxes work excellent for this purpose. One is rewarded best when buying a mixed pack of lettuce seeds or mixed seeds on a strip, rather than growing only one type of lettuce. Plus the variety of lettuce means a more interesting looking container, as well as a more diverse salad.


There are special strawberry pots for people who may wish to grow strawberries on their patio or balcony, or you can use any container as they have rather shallow roots. Strawberries will grow bigger fruit when watered more, but most people find the bigger ones have less taste. For best results have at least 3 plants.


Yes, they are edible. The flowers can be used as decorations on cakes or in salads. Braver people might add them to sauces but most often they are used as a garnish. Marigolds also have a mosquito deterrent quality about them. Perfect for when you’re entertaining outside. You will need a few plants to get the full effect of this but the fact is they look nice, are easy-to-grow, and have multiple uses, so are an excellent plant to grow in your limited space.


Beetroot – one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Like many others this is another plant that we are told to sow after the risk of the last frost has gone. However, it can also be grown in a window box or containers all year round. Buy a smaller variety of beetroot if you plan to grow them in a container.

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