Basil Care

  • Keep your basil plant in a sunny spot in your garden where it will receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
  • Water regularly but do not allow the soil to remain saturated. Repot or transplant if the soil is not well-draining.
  • Fertilise 1 to 2 times a month with a liquid plant fertiliser. Any well-balanced fertiliser will do but avoid those designed to increase flowering.
  • Trim often by pinching center leaves. This will not only give you a tasty addition to your recipes but it will also help your plant to stay productive longer.
  • Remove any flower stalks. Once Basil starts to bloom it will put all of its energy into flowering instead of growing leaves.
  • Remove aphids with an organic insecticide, manually or with a blast of water.
  • Water when the soil is dry. Basil, like many herbs, prefers conditions on the dry side.

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