Tips For A Thriving Kitchen Garden | Gardenshop

Starting your very own kitchen garden is quite a satisfying venture that has a long list of benefits ranging from health benefits to financial benefits. These types of gardens aren’t that hard to maintain, it’s incredibly satisfying to watch your own plants grow and then literally reap the fruit of your labour.


A thriving kitchen garden is something to be proud of. A place to grow your own, whether you have your kitchen garden in raised beds, pots, from seed, or not, there is nothing better than using the freshest ingredients for the kitchen table, straight from your own garden. 

Home-grown produce is not only tastier and healthier but, when your kitchen garden is well and truly thriving, it could even cut down on your grocery bills.

There are different ways of approaching a kitchen garden. You need to understand your site and climate to know exactly what you can grow successfully and when.

If you have a small area, you can consider pots, or incorporating vegetables, fruit and herbs into ornamental garden. This is called a potager. If you don’t have a lawn to build beds into, even a patio can make the ideal growing spot.

A kitchen garden is a garden that includes vegetables, fruit, herbs, and leafy greens that can be harvested for instant use for cooking. You can also make your kitchen garden more visually appealing and practical by growing some edible flowers. A kitchen garden is usually quite compact to provide the household with a moderate supply of fresh produce without waste.

Here are some pointers when you are planning your kitchen garden;

  • Select an area with lots of sun
  • Prepare your soil well with compost and fertilizer
  • Decide what plants to grow in what season
  • Make sure that you can access your crops for maintenance and harvesting
  • Practice crop rotation to keep the soil healthy and reduce pests and diseases
  • Companion planting offers numerous benefits. Planting herbs between your other crops can discourage pests.

Kitchen gardening is making a comeback. These small, attractive, and productive  gardens are having a renaissance of sorts. They’re popping up in urban spaces all around the world. The satisfaction gained from producing your own food is unsurpassable. Why wait. Start your own kitchen garden now.

Join us this Friday  29 July 2022 for our FREE online workshop on: ‘Kitchen Gardens’, with Garden Guru Sue Both. 

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Tips For A Thriving Kitchen Garden | Gardenshop